One War Too Many
While the nation is transfixed on the war of words going on in Congress, there are two other wars going on that seem to be ignored. Almost 6,000 U.S. servicemen and women have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, but their sacrifice barely makes the front page anymore. Instead, our time is spent watching two political parties snipe at one another, while real snipers and IED’s are killing our men and women in uniform.
I recently had best-selling author Edwin Black on my Truth for America radio show and he compared America to a runaway train, careening into the future while most of us are oblivious to the important events that shape our destiny. New cell phone accessories, large screen TVs, video games and show business celebrities consume our attention while Iran is building nuclear weapons, North Korea is bent on starting a war, China is working to undermine the strength and leadership of the U.S., and oh yes, we are fighting two wars.
I occasionally watch ABC’s This Week on Sunday mornings and as part of their broadcasts they air “In Memoriam,” where the names, ages and hometowns of our military personnel killed in action are scrolled across the screen. There are kids in their teens and twenties, mixed in with servicemen and women in their 40s and 50s who signed up for the National Guard expecting weekend war games, and wound up in two real war zones. My eyes well up in tears.
Imagine our men and women in uniform sitting in hot, dusty tents in Iraq and Afghanistan counting down the days they have left before they return home. Then they go out on a perilous patrol for hours facing possible death at any time.
Do we want these warriors to return home to a country where their government officials are engaging in verbal combat? Don’t they deserve some respite from tension so they can re-engage in their lives? Shouldn’t our members of Congress adopt some semblance of civility? If not for those of us at home, at least for our men and women returning home from the war. We owe it to them, and we owe it to ourselves.
Mr. Asbury,
I’m a Combat Veteran, and served in Desert Storm, Bosina and Iraq. I believe that we owe our Service Members more repsect than they receive, or are still waiting for – like the many Vietnam Veterans. Aside from my son’s birth, the most joyful experience for me, was returning home from combat, to be welcomed with balloons, reporters and lots of hugs. I can’t help but feel guilty, though. I don’t suffer from “survivor’s guilt”, but I think about the families who can’t hug their loved one because they’re not coming home. I’ve lost friends in combat, and attended funeral services for even more. I’m also guilty in that I was received as a hero, while many Vietnam Veterans are still waiting for a simple “welcome home”. Every time I see a Veteran wearing a “Vietnam Veteran” cap, I don’t care where I’m at, I walk over to them, extend my hand to shake their’s, and say “welcome home”. They desreve so much more than that, but it’s a start.
I’d like to think that someday…please Lord…someday our government will get out of the “blame game”, and start working TOGETHER to return this country to the same great place I defended for nearly 18 years. Too many politicians only care about making a witty comment that will be shared across media outlets, or how they’ll be looked-upon after kissing babies…but the focus of too many is the Almighty Dollar. On my radio program, I refer to “The Bigs”: Big Oil, Big Real Estate, Big Auto, Big Insurance, Big Pharmacy, Big Banks…you get the idea. As long as “The Bigs” continue to slip a couple bucks into a Senator’s wallet, the real problems of this country will never be addressed.
As far as our troops are concerned…
It’s my recommendation that we bring home ALL troops, from every overseas base, and place them along OUR borders. Let’s start protecting OUR interests. Think of what this could do for our economy. Construction companies would be building again to accomodate the troops; the Mom-n-Pop diners and stores would open again to support to the growing populations surrounding military insatallations; we could have a rotating schedule for military units on our borders (not just keeping out “illegals”, but saving immigrants from the “coyotes”), etc.
Yes, I understand the importance of these “strategic locations”, but why should our soldiers be financing other nations, when our’s is sinking quickly. Just something to think about.
Have a great week!
Joseph Beasley
SSG, U.S. Army