Greece, Puerto Rico and Illinois Linked by Similarities
  • Conscientious Equity: Blog of Neal Asbury

    When it comes to advocating on behalf of entrepreneurship and free enterprise, there is no one more passionate about these topics than Neal Asbury, chief executive of The Legacy Companies. It is no coincidence that he was the 2008 recipient of the coveted United States National Champion Exporter of the Year Award.

    Each week Neal hosts the syndicated Truth for America radio talk show, produced by Atlantic Radio Network and syndicated around the country.

    Conscientious Equit: The Book, coming soon

    His first book “Conscientious Equity” was acquired by Palgrave MacMillan and is now available. Buy your copy today!


Greece, Puerto Rico and Illinois Linked by Similarities

Before this year, nobody would have mentioned Greece, Puerto Rico and Illinois in the same breath. At one time they had little in common. Now they are linked by failed economies. The modern Greek state, which was established in 1830 following the war of independence from the Ottoman Empire, traces its roots to the civilization of Ancient Greece some 4,000 years ago. Illinois became the 21st State on Dec 03, 1818. As a result of the Spanish-American War, Puerto Rico was ceded...