Texas Congressman John Culberson Maintains National Deficit is Threat to Security
Neal Asbury opened the show by celebrating the contention from the Wall Street Journal that the despised Cap and Tax energy bill is officially dead. Despite being reviled by small, medium and large businesses, Asbury marveled that it was nevertheless once hailed by Democrats as the greatest achievement in controlling carbon emissions. Now even some of these same Democrats who voted for it are trying to distant themselves from this poorly conceived plan. Asbury proposed that most people knowledgeable about this bill know that it would have done almost nothing to reduce global carbon emissions, especially if it didn’t include the world’s two biggest polluters: China and India.
What’s worse, according to Asbury, is that the bill would have raised the average energy bill for most Americans by 50 percent, even while it would have resulted in the loss of 289,000 US energy jobs. And still, Asbury recalled that Nancy Pelosi originally characterized the proposed bill as “one of our proudest boasts.” Asbury proposed: “Chalk up another failed economic recovery proposition by the Obama White House. The Cap and Tax Bill is dead. But let’s drive a stake into its heart just to make sure it doesn’t haunt us again.”
Joining the show was Texas Congressman John Culberson, a fiscally conservative “Jeffersonian Republican” who represents the 7th District (which includes Houston), a seat formerly held by President George H. W. Bush and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Archer. In Congress, Culberson’s priorities include strengthening the economy by cutting taxes, creating jobs, and balancing the budget; securing the border, advancing medical and scientific research; and improving Houston transportation. He is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, which is responsible for funding the federal government.
Culberson maintained that the country’s biggest security threat is “our national deficit,” since it siphons away money that could be used for border security and building up the military.
“This nation is facing a financial tsunami – the biggest deficit since World War II. This nation is spending more money faster than at any time in our history. The only way out is either to impose draconian spending cuts or saddle future generations with huge tax hikes. Our kids will become indentured servants trying to work off our debt – their tax rate might be 70 percent,” maintains Culberson. He predicts that the nation’s total unfunded obligations will hit $63 trillion, which is more than the total worth of the United States, which he pegs at $61 trillion.
“We are in danger of becoming Greece – a European socialist democracy that is facing crushing debt,” warns Culberson. He also warns that by 2013, the US could lose its long-held AAA bond rating.
Culberson predicts that when the new breed of conservative Republicans take over the Congress, they will come into office “with their hair on fire.”
“When a Democrat wants to cut the deficit, hold onto your wallet. It just means more taxes. This is going to be the most important election of the century. We need to elect conservative Republicans who will put the brakes on spending. As of today 96 cents out of every dollar goes to fund social security, Medicare and our debt. It’s all borrowed money,” said Culberson.
For Republicans to win back Congress, Culberson maintains they need to “earn it back by displaying stainless steel in their backbones.” Key issues will be:
- Strict adherence to checks and balances
- Get the federal government out of state business and the peoples’ pockets
- Limited federal government
- Replace Obama Care
- Zero out Cap and Tax
- Cut federal spending
- Roll back the $900 billion appropriations bill
“This nation has been under fire before, but we came back stronger than ever. When we take back the Congress, we need to have one million citizens surround the Capitol so that they can wish the new class of conservative Republicans God speed…but that they also must keep their word,” concluded Culberson.
Neal Asbury Truth for America tackles free trade and enterprise issues every Friday from 5:00 PM until 6:00 PM on WZAB-AM 880 and is co-hosted by Richard Roffman, a veteran 30-year publisher with extensive domestic and international experience.
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what will the budget dfecity come to if taxes are raised on the rich first and everybody else to levels people thrived under in the seventies and earlier.