Senatorial Candidate Eric Wargotz: Republicans Will Take Back America

U.S. Senatorial Candidate Eric Wargotz Contends That Republicans Will Take Back America During Mid-Terms

Neal Asbury opened the show by reminding listeners that they had an opportunity with their vote on November 2nd to make history by “restoring this country’s sanity and integrity”. He asked listeners to imagine how proud they will be when one day they tell their grandkids that they, like millions of others, used their vote to “help prevent a lifetime of servitude paying back trillions of dollars of federal debt. You’ll be able to say that you saw a wrong and righted it and used your vote to make a difference today and for future generations.”

Years from now, according to Asbury, “kids will be studying American history and marvel how common citizens in 2010 took back this country by voting their conscience. They’ll see how citizens voted out politicians that cared more about their own jobs than creating new ones. They’ll see how unchecked borrowing was stopped. They’ll see how we stopped a disastrous environmental policy. How we overturned a deeply flawed health program. How we stopped labor unions from taking over and killing the financial stability US companies. They’ll see how we forced the government to put America back to work by creating private sector jobs and supporting small business.”

He urged listeners to make a difference and vote so they never had to face a grandchild who asked “Why didn’t you do anything to try to stop it?”

Making a return appearance on Truth for America was Dr. Eric Wargotz, Republican U.S. Senatorial Candidate for Maryland and current Maryland Commission President. An experienced leader and activist; a physician-businessman, conservative, and conservationalist, Dr. Wargotz knows what it takes to work as a team and to build consensus.

As an early endorser of Dr. Wargotz’s campaign, “Truth for America” was encouraged to see Dr. Wargotz’s campaign “catch fire” and give the 34-year incumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski the fight of her life.

“The election in Maryland is exciting. Even some Democrats are endorsing me because they don’t like what’s going on in Washington. I’m in the bluest of blue states but people are ready for a change,” said Dr. Wargotz. “How can you trust people who put the boat on the reef to get us back out again?”

Dr. Wargotz said it was laughable for Senator Mikulski to talk about the jobs she has created when four major companies closed their facilities in Maryland.

“Incumbents are not the solution, they are the problem,” concluded Dr. Wargotz. “We are going to take back America.”

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