Husdon Institute President Herb London Proposes a Gridlocked Congress Following Mid Term Elections Good for America
Kicking off his nationally syndicated “Neal Asbury’s Truth for America Show” on WZAB-AM, Neal Asbury opened the show by suggesting that if our Founding Fathers were around today and watched Congress for even one day, they would be weeping over the partisan politics that has turned off voters. Asbury noted a recent Wall Street Journal/NBC Poll that found that 72 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Congress is doing. An earlier poll found that if an option appeared on a ballot box to replace every member of congress, fifty percent of respondents would check it.
“Incumbents from both parties are quaking in their boots,” suggested Asbury, and pointed to the Pennsylvania primary where 30-year Republican incumbent Arlen Specter, after being rejected by the GOP, switched to the Democrats, where he was rejected again, this time by Democratic voters. In Kentucky, Rand Paul, who was heavily endorsed by the Tea Party movement, won the Republican primary even though his opponent was supported by Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell.
“You can smell it in the air. There is a feeling that fresh blood is needed in Washington, and most of us are looking for a new type of candidate whose first priority is getting this country moving again by creating jobs and supporting small business,” said Asbury, reminding listeners of some these candidates that appeared on his show, such as Marco Rubio, Eric Wargotz and Allen West.
He urged listeners to vote in the mid-term election, and raise their voices so that America gets back on track. “Let’s demonstrate that we still hold dear what our Founding Fathers created when they established the laws and system of government that have made America the greatest nation on earth,” said Asbury..
Neal’s first guest was Herbert I. London, president of the Hudson Institute, a world renowned nonpartisan policy research organization dedicated to innovative research and analysis that promotes global security, prosperity, and freedom. London, who appeared previously on Asbury’s show, is professor emeritus and the former John M. Olin Professor of Humanities at New York University.
According to London, “American voters are fed up with incumbents,” and referred back to the Rand Paul and Arlen Specter elections as prime examples of this discontent. He predicted that while social issues are currently being superseded by concerns about the economy, social issues will play a huge role in the midterm elections.
London predicted that the Republicans will take back the House and possibly the Senate during the 2010 midterm elections. He would like to see the election “stop the inertia and result in a gridlock, which would be the best thing to happen to America.” He proposed that this would effectively derail any new legislation proposed by the Obama Administration.
One of the outcomes of the election, according to London, will be the complete disappearance of the conservative leaning “Blue Dog Democrats,” which London labels “Lap Dog Democrats” for their lock step loyalty to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He predicted that once they are gone, their names will never be remembered, short of appearing as an answer in a game of Trivial Pursuit.
When the discussion turned to immigration, London said he was astonished that during the visit to the U.S. by Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon, President Obama suggested that “borders do not define a nation.” London proposed that this is another sign of
“a populace president who has lost touch with what is right with our history and our way of life. He is a post-American president thinking more about the world than his own country.”
The Democratic game plan, according to London, is to pass an amnesty plan for the 12 million illegal immigrants in this country, which will convert them into loyal Democratic voters, clinching a reelection for Obama. This is a critical priority for Harry Reid, who knows that he won’t be reelected in Nevada unless he can get the votes of a large Hispanic voting bloc.
Finally, London does not think that the Cap and Trade Bill will be passed by Congress.
“People finally understand this bill and how much it will cost our children and even our grandchildren with these unfunded liabilities,” noted London.
Neal Asbury used the occasion of this show to announce that his book “Conscientious Equity,” slated for release in October of this year, is available for pre-order through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Borders.
At its foundation, Asbury’s book is the belief that, if given the opportunity to do business together fairly, the people of the world can make extraordinary strides. Also at its foundation is the notion that global commerce can do more to improve circumstances at home and abroad than any group of elected officials ever can.
He said that his book was written partly as a response to perceptions on Main Street that free trade agreements were undesirable. This perception, according to Asbury, was the result of poisonous propaganda that convinced people that America can’t compete anymore in global commerce, which is simply not true .
“This demagoguery has turned Main Street against us. They have lost sight of the benefits that accrue to America when entrepreneurs are unshackled to conduct business around the globe on a level playing field,” said Asbury. “We can beat anyone in the world when we are given the freedom to pursue the American Dream.”.
Asbury underscored the value of free enterprise and entrepreneurialism to become the driving force in creating the world that all good people want to see – a world where poverty is far less prevalent, where everyone can dream of doing something meaningful with his or her life, where corrupt rulers lose their iron-fisted hold, where all who want to work can find a job that offers decent wages and a sense of dignity, and where our environment is safe for our children’s children. While philosophers wax poetic and politicians spew rhetoric, I see the solutions – and these are very real solutions – to our greatest social ills in an extremely practical way. These solutions derive from doing business around the world in a progressive new fashion, one that allows entrepreneurialism and the American spirit of reaching out into the unknown to generate a new kind of transaction. A kind of transaction where there are many, many winners and where the only losers are the corrupt and despotic.
“I call this kind of business “Conscientious Equity”: Conscientious because it is the right thing to do, and Equity because we all have ownership in doing the right thing. This way of conducting commerce is bold. It is unprecedented. And it faces many roadblocks, but it is also eminently doable. It requires us to think in new ways about how we conduct business with the rest of the world, but it fits neatly into a framework with which all entrepreneurs are already comfortable.
At the center of this concept is a document that I’ve taken to calling a Conscientious Equity Accord. It takes the notion of Conscientious Equity and positions it as the driver of the most powerful tool for positive change that we can employ: global commerce,” said Asbury.
Asbury concluded that “we have so many social issues to address that it often seems overwhelming. Too many people in America are living below subsistence level. Around the world, these conditions are even more desperate with nearly half of the planet’s population trying to get by on less than two dollars a day. Far too many people here and abroad live with the gnawing pangs of hunger every waking moment. Corrupt government officials hoard money and force their people to live without opportunity. Workers toil in shameful conditions at heartbreakingly young ages. Our natural resources are desecrated, our human resources are pillaged, and our air and water is despoiled. The gulf between the haves and have-nots grows ever wider.”
Asbury said he was particularly incensed over the $280 billion a year in U.S. intellectual property that is being stolen by China. He proposed that once free trade agreements with China are signed, which would include intellectual property provisions, America could see a surge of $260 billion in new revenue from China.
“Conscientious Equity Accords can address every one of these issues and many others while setting the framework under which America does business with the world. We know this can happen because we have already seen it begin to happen. In the past few years, we have signed free trade agreements with some of our trading partners that have attached principled conditions as terms under which nations can bring their products into America favorably. We have every reason to believe that we can expand these terms in a comprehensive way that addresses all of the things most important to us and to good people everywhere — and that the countries with whom we do business will continue to sign on the dotted line. The reason we can believe this is that we have something to offer that no one else on the planet can match: we have created the most voracious consumer market in the world,” concluded Asbury.
The Neal Asbury Truth for America show tackles free trade and enterprise issues every Friday from 5:00 PM until 6:00 PM on WZAB-AM 880. The show is streamed live on line at WWW.880THEBIZ.COM, which is affiliated with Bloomberg Radio and CNBC, and can be heard on 920-WGKA (Atlanta); KSEV (Houston); 1500 AM (Washington D.C.); 1220-KDOW (San Francisco); and 1300-KKOL (Seattle).
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Great post!