Former Maritime Commissioner Paul Anderson: African American Voters Should be Insulted Democrats Forcing Out Kendrick Meek
Former Maritime Commissioner Paul Anderson Maintains African American Voters Should be Insulted that Democrats are Forcing Out Senate Candidate Kendrick Meek
Making a return appearance on Truth for America was A. Paul Anderson, Senior Fellow at the United States Congress Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and a former Commissioner-Designated Chairman at the Federal Maritime Commission. Anderson noted that the Senate race is Florida was “surreal,” and characterized it as the “most unique three-way race in America.”
“Who would have thought that a once popular governor, Charlie Crist, would be forced to drop out of the Republican Party after he was beaten in the primary by Marco Rubio? Then you have Kendrick Meek, long-time Florida state legislator who has paid his dues being dismissed by his own party. He is one of the most visible African-American legislators. African American voters should be insulted with the way he is being treated by the Democrats,” said Anderson.
Anderson said that this approach to politics harkens back to the “Chicago culture” of running elections – lessons that President Obama and his advisors learned working within the Chicago political machine
As for prognosticating the outcome of the mid-term elections, Anderson noted that since the 17th Amendment was passed in 1913, every time the House changed controlling parties, the Senate changed controlling parties also. He believes that this might happen in 2010.
Anderson predicts that in Florida, the Republican “wave” will continue and Republican Rick Scott will emerge as the winner of the governor’s race.
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