Former Chicago City Clerk Jim Laski Claims Gun Ban a Failure
A repeat visitor on ‘Truth for America’ is former Chicago politician Jim Laski, now the host of a radio show on WGN Radio. Laski spent a total of 28 years in the political arena, part in Washington, DC, and 16 years as an elected official serving as an alderman and Chicago City Clerk. He also served some jail time for corruption.
Laski has had a front row seat for the ongoing corruption trial of impeached former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. While watching the trial, Laski has the feeling that Blagojevich “doesn’t get it. He is in complete denial even while facing 24 corruption counts against him, including lying to the FBI. That’s a slam dunk for the prosecution. It’s not if he’s found guilty, it’s the length of his prison term.”
Laski is shocked that the defense intends to let “Blago” take the stand. He thinks it will play into the hands of the prosecution. Laski is convinced that the defense is working toward a mistrial or appeal, and not necessarily the guilt or innocence of their client.
“I think this guy’s looking at an 8 or 10-year sentence. This for a guy who had visions of being elected president and becoming the next Bill Clinton,” said Laski.
Turning to gun control, a hot issue for Chicago, Laski contends that the city’s gun ban is a total failure. “Chicago has had a handgun ban since 1982 but just over the past three weeks 110 Chicagoans have been shot. If you feel the government isn’t protecting you, you have the right to bear arms. Gang bangers don’t buy their guns legally anyway, so stricter enforcement of gun laws and sales isn’t going to make a difference”
On the political front, Laski sees Republican Senate Candidate Mark Kirk as the probable winner. The governor’s race between Republican Bill Brady and incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn is a dead heat.
As for Chicago Mayor Daley, “He’s got the job for as long as he wants it,” says Laski.
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