Congressman John Fleming: Disappointed that GOP Did Not Wait Until January to Pass Obama Tax Bill

Neal Asbury opened the show by suggesting that politicians who characterize the Bush Tax cut extension as a benefit only for rich people are being “dishonest.”  He noted that the tax cut extension will help everyone, especially small business owners who will be able to gain some confidence so that they can invest again in their businesses, including hiring more people.  “The tax bill is imperfect, but it should help get Americans back to work.”

Neal’s guest for the entire hour and a return guest to Truth for America, was Congressman John C. Fleming (R-LA), who not only agreed with Neal that the bill was imperfect, but he was among a small group of House Republicans that voted against the new tax bill.  Congressman Fleming is a family physician from Minden, LA and  represents Louisiana’s Fourth Congressional District, which extends from Shreveport/Bossier to Kinder, LA.  He is focused on sound economic policy to grow and create jobs, reducing the tax burden for all Americans, sensible health care reforms, a sound energy policy and representing Northwest Louisiana’s traditional values.

“While there were some good things in the compromise tax bill, I voted against it because we could have gotten a much better bill if we waited until January when we will have more leverage.  The tax cuts only last two years.  That’s not adequate.  It should be permanent.  Most businesses plan for the next five years, and this bill won’t impact business until April 15 of 2011, so the duration of the tax cuts will actually be less than two years,” said Congressman Fleming.  Congressman Fleming suggested that America was experiencing Class Warfare, with the Left working to prevent people from keeping their money, and forcing them to shift it to others.

“Passing this Bill was like going to a ball game that ends in a tie, or kissing your sister—it’s not very satisfying.  I can’t vote for a bill that adds $57 billion to the deficit.  I can certainly empathize with the unemployed, but extending unemployment benefits actually keeps people from looking for jobs.  Continuing to provide unemployment payments takes away the incentives to accept lower paying jobs.  But you have to start somewhere so you can work yourself up to a better paying job,” said Congressman Fleming.

Congressman Fleming thinks that FDR’s statement in the 1940s that “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” can be applied to today’s economy. People are scared to make major moves, and this uncertainty is crippling.

Congressman Fleming listed the three top priorities that need to be addressed by Congress:  1) repeal Obama care, which is driving up healthcare costs; 2) stop tax rates from continuing to go up; 3) freeing up credit for small business.   The Congressman notes that the new tax bill compromise addresses “1/2 of one of these priorities.”

In particular, Congressman Fleming thinks that reducing payroll taxes from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent is a bad idea that will have a severe impact on social security funding.

Congressman Fleming hopes that the new GOP controlled House will move forward on five priorities: make the tax cuts permanent, reduce the estate tax to zero, extend corporate tax cuts, don’t lower withholding taxes, and repeal Obama care.  “It’s all about undoing the damage that has been done,” said Congressman Fleming.

“The tax bill compromise was between Mitch McConnell and President Obama, and Obama was forced to compromise for his political survival. But I hope we don’t see the GOP sliding back into the old ways of accepting earmarks.  We have to understand that Obama is a true socialist ideologue.  He wants to take us farther to the left if he could, but even moving slightly to the center is not something he will continue.  He is not a true believer,” said Congressman Fleming.

Congressman Fleming urged the GOP to keep the pressure on January 5 when the GOP takes over the House.  “We’re going to see a shift toward conservatism.  You will start seeing different type of bills coming out of the House.  The first bill you’ll see, which I hope will be put forward within days of seating the new House, will be the repeal of the Obama healthcare bill, which is unconstitutional.”

“The best way to defeat your own army in the field is to let your enemy know when you are leaving the fight. In Afghanistan the worst thing you can do is to create a deadline for withdrawal.  If the US is in a war, we have to commit to winning.  The US military has some of the smartest people in the country running it, but they are subject to political decisions.  It’s the weak link in the military chain,” concluded Congressman Fleming.

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One Response to “Congressman John Fleming: Disappointed that GOP Did Not Wait Until January to Pass Obama Tax Bill”
  1. I’m seeing quite a bit of “crowing” about how things will change in the coming year. We must remember that there are TWO parties in the congress (possibly a third) that need to work together. All this posturing and statements made without substantiation don’t help get the job done. Republicans have received a real message from voters and the worst thing they could do is to remain obstinate and obstructive if they don’t “get their way”. While Mr. Boehner refuses to accept the word “compromise”, this is the essence of politics and without an attitude of compromise he is leading his party into a nihilistic period of non-action.
    Remember, the Senate AND the President still have a say in what happens. All this posturing doesn’t get one anywhere……

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