If You Support Free Trade, It’s Time for Action!
Before George W. Bush came to office we had Free Trade Agreements with four countries. Today we have FTA’s with fourteen. However this pales against the European Union that has concluded twenty-eight FTA’s and China that has already in place twenty-one. We have much ground to make up. We must insist upon FTA’s with China and Japan that are responsible for over 60% of our merchandise trade deficit.
Visit members of Congress in their district offices and on Capitol Hill. Walk right into the Rayburn House Office Building where many members of the House of Representatives hold office and start knocking on doors. Tell them how important it is to pass the Colombia, Panama and South Korea Free Trade Agreements now before them. I have heard every time I met with a member of Congress that hearing directly from the people had the biggest impact on their votes.
Write op-ed pieces. Get published. The stories from the front lines of trade are invaluable and must be told.
Get involved with the District Export Council in fulfilling its mission of mentoring those eager to dedicate their careers to exporting America’s products and services. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the SBEA (Small Business Export Administration) are also great organizations to have your voice heard and make a difference.
There are organizations in all over our country doing important work to promote the trade agenda.
Get plugged in!