Former Chicago Politician Jim Laski: Daley Appointment Designed to Fool the Public
Former Chicago Politician and Radio Host Jim Laski Maintains that Daley Appointment as Obama Chief Of Staff is Designed to Fool the Public that Obama is Moving Toward the Center
Joining the show as a returning guest was Jim Laski, a former Chicago politician and radio personality. Laski spent a total of 28 years in the political arena, partly in Washington, DC, and 16 years as an elected official serving as an alderman and Chicago City Clerk.
Laski opened the show with a rhetorical question: “Can there ever be too many Chicagoans working in the White House?” The quip kicked off a discussion of William Daley being named President Obama’s Chief of Staff, replacing former Chicagoan Rahm Emanuel. It also comes on the heels of the news that Obama advisor David Axelrod and press secretary Robert Gibbs will be returning to Chicago to help Obama get reelected.
“Many people think that Bill Daley will get Obama from the left and back to the center. But Obama was never in the center. The Daley appointment is just designed to fool people that Obama wants to show he is a centrist. But that’s not ever going to happen,” said Laski.
Laski characterizes the Bill Daley appointment as just another way to maintain the Daley political dynasty, which began with the 21-year reign of Richard J Daley as Chicago Mayor — a length in office which his son Richard M Daley broke in 2010. “Their tentacles are everywhere. Don’t be surprised that Richard Daley’s decision not to seek reelection is somehow tied to a role in the Obama re-election,” said Laski.
Laski notes that while Bill Daley’s appointment is expected to appeal to his business base, Daley will also be expected to shore up Obama’s business and voter support in key Midwestern states likely to decide the presidency in 2012.
As the topic turned to Rahm Emanuel’s run for Chicago Mayor (replacing Richard Daley), Laski opined “If you think Rich Daley had a firm hold on the City Council, wait until they work with Rahm. He is brutal. He demands that things are done his way. He may sweet talk people into voting for him, but once he’s in office, look out.”
While Emanuel faces three other candidates, Laski thinks that Emanuel will raise so much money he will crush the competition. But Laski warns that if Emanuel doesn’t get more than 50 percent of the votes and faces a runoff, he may face stiffer competition.
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