Federal Commissioner Paul Anderson: When a Party Takes Back the House They Also Take Back the Senate

Joining the show as a returning guest was A. Paul Anderson, Senior Fellow at United States Congress, Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and a former Commissioner-Designated Chairman at the Federal Maritime Commission . Anderson echoed Neal Asbury’s concern that with a limited number of Obama advisors with practical business experience creating jobs has not been a priority.
“If you spend more than $1 trillion that was supposed to create jobs, you have to take responsibility for it not working,” said Anderson.

Returning to the topic of the lack of business acumen among Obama advisors, Anderson noted that among the last four Democratic presidents, the percentage of their staff with hands-on business experience ranged from 39 percent for Clinton down to 8 percent for Obama.
Anderson revealed some fascinating election data. Since the 17th amendment was passed in 1913 that changed the way states senators were elected, every time the House changed controlling parties, the Senate changed controlling parties also. This occurred in 1918, 1932, 1946, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1994 and 2006. Andersons isn’t sure that this pattern will be repeated in 2010.

Although Anderson is optimistic about the Republicans taking back the House and Senate (31 to 29 for Republicans in the Senate). He sees a real possibility for the Republicans to win back Senate seats in California, West Virginia, Illinois, Nevada and Washington State. He also sees gubernatorial wins for Republicans in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida.

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