Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Public & Media Affairs

In July of 2006 Sean Spicer was appointed Assistant United StatesTrade Representative for Public andMedia Affairs within the ExecutiveOffice of the President of the UnitedStates. As a member of the seniorexecutive service, Sean is the Administration’s point person for creat-ing and implementing the domesticand international media strategy ontrade related matters. On a daily basishe works with senior Administration officials and media outlets worldwide.Prior to his time at USTR, Seanwas served in the leadership of the U.S.House of Representatives as theCommunications Director for the Republican Conference where heoversaw the message and communi-cations planning and training of Republican members of Congress andover 220 press secretaries.Sean has done stints at theNational Republican Congressional Committee, House Budget Committee,House Government Reform Committee, Congressman Mark Foley,Congressman Mike Pappas, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
His media experience also extends intopolitical campaigns where he servedas spokesman and media advisor forseveral local and congressional races.

Sean previously was elected by his peers to serve as the presidentof the Republican CommunicationsAssociation and has taught mediarelations and on camera skills to US and foreign national government andmilitary officials. National Journal named Sean one of the most influen-tial staffers on Capitol Hill in 2003 andhe was profiled in the Almanac of the Unelected in 2006.Sean has been a leadingsource for national and internationalreporters and has worked with and been by quoted by every major newssource in the US. He has appeared onNational Public Radio, AgriTalk,Marketplace Radio, Voice of America,CNBC, Al-Jeezera, Fox Business News, Reuters TV and Bloomberg TV. He has done media events on every continent in the world including Antarctica,China, India, Brazil, Ghana, Geneva and Moscow.Sean, a commissioned officer in the US Navy, also has almost adecade of experience in military pub-lic affairs planning and execution. In 2004, he was elected to represent Virginia in the Electoral College. Sean and his wife Rebecca live in Alexandria, VA. The Neal Asbury Show tackles key trade issues every Thursday from11:00 AM until Noon WZAB-AM 880.The show is streamed live on line at, which is affiliat-ed with Bloomberg Radio and CNBC.

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